Skegness Light Parade |
Our next parade will take place
on 4 October 2025.
Click the 'Accommodation' button
for a great weekend deal at the
Golden Palm Holiday Camp
Parade Organisers: Sandy and Peggy
Contact: 07889211579
The first ever Skegness Light Parade was held on 20 September 2014 with over 80 inscriptions raising moneys for the RNLI and the GWOC National Committee Charity. The 2015 Parade had 114 inscribed Goldwings and raised an impressive £1811. In 2016 our parade of 120 inscribed bikes raised over £2500. In 2017 we had 124 inscribed bikes with 101 taking part in the parade and raised £3001 for the RNLI Charity. In 2018 our parade grew to 157 bikes/trikes inscribed with 114 taking part in the Light Parade. This event raised over £3650 towards the RNLI Charity
2019 was a year for a new format. The daytime static display took place outside Hildred's Shopping Centre and the Light Parade set off for the clock tower and then proceeded up and down the Grand Parade and the North Parade twice before continuing on to the Golden Palm Holiday Camp. This year donations went to LIVES "Lincolnshire Integrated Voluntary Emergency Service" who also provided our First Aid cover for the event. The 2019 event raised £3500.
The year 2020 was a write-off due to COVID and Lockdown so lets just skip over that one and come up to date with SKLP 2021. With the whole of Lumley road closed for our use, we had over 80 bikes during the day-time static show and 80 of these joined us for a spectacular Light Parade later that evening. Despite worries that COVID infections may keep bikers and public away, we were pleased to see wingers arriving from up and down the country and we probably had the biggest crowd we have ever seen to cheer our Light Parade. Our Parade raised £3000 for the LIVES charity.
As we started 2022, we had high hopes that we could get back to normal and indeed we finally managed to get our bikes out of the garage and enjoy the British countryside. This year, Sandy had stood down as our Regional Rep but he and Peggy (Jayne) continued to organise the Skegness Light Parade. Indeed they spent most of the year in meetings with local authorities and sponsors to get the parade off the ground. However, September finally arrived and the parade went ahead as before. We has 106 inscriptions and wingers had flocked from all over the country. The format for the parade was already well set so we had a static parade at the Golden Palm on Friday night followed by our daytime static parade along Lumley Road in Skegness. Our night-time parade took us up and down the Grand Parade three times so everyone had plenty of time to see us. This year once again we managed to raise £3000 for the LIVES charity so thanks to everyone who donated and took parts. A full report and photos of the parade are here to see, just click the link below and we hope to see you all next year.
Our 2023 parade was a huge success, however, it almost didn't happen. Just a few months before the parade was due to take place, Sandy and Peggy reported that with the closure of the East Coast BID, we were unlikely to be able to raise the necessary funds to support the event. These funds pay for Road Closures, Fire, First Aid, Lost Children and a host of other things. But, just in time, the owner of the Skegness HIVE stepped in to support the event and he even 'volunteered' the assistance of his staff to act as collectors (especially for the evening when we are all on our bikes). This year we raised over £4840 for the Macmillan Trust. However, Lincswings decided at our AGM that we would top this up to make a grand total of £5000. You can read our full report and see the pictures, just click here:
Skegness Light Parade Report 2023
The 2024 Skegness Parade marked our 10th anniversary (having missed one year since 2014 due to COVID) and we wanted to make this our biggest event yet. Unfortunately, last minute changes from the Council meant that we couldn't hold our day-time display along the Grand Parade. So our plans for attractions and outdoor eating and entertainment all had to be revised at a late date. Never-the-less we had a great day occupying the Lumley Road and with 125 inscriptions we practically fill the road from Hildreds all the way up to the Lumley roundabout.
This year, with the hard work and support of so many willing helpers, we managed to raise over £6000 which will be donated once again to the MacMillan Nurses. Please click on the link or select the 2024 parade from the side buttons to read our full report on the 2024 parade.
Next parade is 4 October 2025
Also don't miss this great accommodation offer from the
Golden Palm Resort who sponsor our event.You can view reports on our previous parades
just select from the radio buttons at the left side of the screen.
Presented to you by
a member of the